Linda and Errol are married! These two lovebirds met about 12 years ago in high school. Errol took the initiative to talk to Linda by making fun of her and for the cute duck shirt she was wearing. Magic and chemistry happened from there! Here is how he proposed in Linda’s words:
“Errol knows how much I love flowers and floral print. He also knows that I hate getting flowers because I can’t take care of them and they die easily. He proposed to me at the Descanso Gardens near Los Angeles. I actually almost found the ring in his luggage because he asked me to get his shorts for him. He came out of the bathroom real quick and sat on the luggage and I was going through it. My fingers were hurting real bad after that. lol. We walked around the rose garden, past the lake, through the Bodhi house, and to the Japanese garden when he proposed. It took me a while to realize what he was doing until he went down on one knee. First words I said to him were, “Oh my god” and that sealed the deal.”
The two decided to wed at Green Gables Estate, which is the cutest old school house nestled in rose gardens and lush trees. They really are each other’s best friend and know how to make the other laugh. The entire day was perfect. Congrats to you both!
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